Incorporation on 2020-02-28

TEAM BLAU GROUP LANKA (PRIVATE) LIMITED Incorporation has been approved on 2020-02-28. In our office we are gladly at your disposal. Mr. Schosser (COO) and his team will advise you and with the support of German experts will create concepts with German technology for you. Our partners SMA Sunbelt, Bluesky Energy and ADS-TEC are the guarantee for highest quality.

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Quisque in placerat nunc, vitae tincidunt quam. In molestie fringilla massa sed eleifend. Praesent sollicitudin massa ut leo dignissim auctor. Vivamus ut libero vitae odio pellentesque tempor sit amet at felis.

Our products are components for solar plants:

  • inverters

  • storage solutions

  • batteries

  • charging infrastructure

  • energy consulting

  • power grid stability

Team Blau Group Lanka (Pvt) LTD
41 b Thalapathpitiya Rd
Embuldeniya, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
+94 11 283 4117
+94 77 3070506

Published On: February 28th, 2020 / Categories: Content, Digital Marketing /